Story Publication, "The Rocket"
"The Rocket" is the story of a middle-school lad named Harley who was frustrated about his family situation. The story takes place in the late 1950's in the US Deep South. Harley never got the time and attention that he longed for from his Father. His younger brother looked a lot like his Dad. This annoyed Harley because he wanted to be just like his Father but he knew he never could. The two boys and their Mom and Dad lived a comfortable life in a pleasant place, and they all had everything they needed and a lot that they wanted. But Harley suffered discontent continually, until the day when he started making progress with his new project, a model rocket inspired by the launch of Sputnik One, the first earth satellite, launched by the Russians in 1957. Harley's space-crazy project progressed until he started testing his rocket fuel, then things got complicated.
Read the story now to follow Jordy's adventures and discover how it all went.
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